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celery city coffee roasters

About Celery City Coffee Roasters

We are a specialty coffee roaster in West Michigan with a broad offering of  single origin and microlot specialty grade coffees. At Celery City Coffee Roasters, you’ll find choices of washed, natural, wet-hulled and anaerobic processed coffees from Africa, South America, South Central America, Indonesia and Oceania regions of the world. Roasted to your specification, either light, medium or dark, all of our coffees are 100% Arabica Specialty Grade, encompassing offerings of both Organic and Fair Trade.

You’ll always enjoy maximum freshness with every order, as our average batch size is 2kg (4.4 lbs), making for a fast response time and frequently turned inventory. If you are looking for something specific, please don’t hesitate to contact us, as we have access to many green, single origin 100% Arabica coffee beans, roasted to your specification on very short notice.

From the Founder

“I found that a truly good cup of coffee was somewhat of a rare bird. My primary objective is to be able to provide the more discerning coffee drinker an extraordinary tasting cup of coffee to start their day. If one is going to take time to prepare coffee using correct ratios and brew methods, quality ingredients (green coffee beans) roasted with experience are a must. When I started roasting single origin coffee beans on a very small scale, I would give the coffee to friends and family. Everyone was amazed of the difference in flavor of the specialty grade coffee, freshly roasted in small batches versus their traditional source(s). After researching numerous coffee roasters, we settled on a Turkish made roaster that showed excellent roast quality and consistency. We then began our journey as a small batch specialty coffee roaster in West Michigan to create great relationships with coffee lovers.” 


Roast Profile Development

Before our single origin and microlot coffees are brought to market, the beans are pulled at a number of temperature intervals throughout the test roast. Each temperature variation is “cupped” (taste tested) to determine the light, medium and dark roast profiles for each origin coffee. The selections are tested again via Pour-Over, Drip and French Press brewing methods. This will always ensure each single origin and microlot coffee is roasted to perfection for ultimate flavor.


celery flats in portage michigan

What is Celery City?

Portage, Michigan earned the nickname "Celery City" in the late 1800's due to the early settlers discovery that the rich dark soil was prime for celery farming. You can learn more about Portage, Michigan's Celery City here.